[xX200stGIANTXx gets credit for majority of the rules]
Insulting somebody for any reason is against the rules, we do not encourage this and suggest to just report something that bothers you instead of flaming!
Low Quality
Non constructive posts such as "lol" or "thanks" are against the rules, these add nothing to the topic and are also considered post boosting.
Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, off-topic posts, or one word posts (this includes advertising).
Posting in Infraction section
There is no need to post in it if you were not involved.
Reputation Abuse
Asking for rep, or offering it is against the rules and may have you infracted. (Making multiple accounts to rep yourself or to neg rep another member may have you permanently BANNED.) Asking another member to neg rep somebody else (or rep+ them) is against the rules as well!
Scamming another user off the marketplace, or any other section will have you temporarily banned for a long time or permanently banned, so DON'T do it.
Double Posting
Double posting is when a member posts a message twice without having somebody else reply to them, this is against the rules and will have you infracted.
Leeched Post
When you use a thread or post from another website please specify the website you got the content from, and it would also be appreciated if you do not copy the thread WORD-FOR-WORD
Signature Violation
Making your signature picture obnoxiously huge or oversized may have you infracted, however, a staff member may warn you first.
Posting the link to other websites is not allowed anywhere other than your signature! If a site has been censored, this means we do not want to hear from it, so please do not advertise it or the punishments may differ.
Personal Data
No phone numbers, addresses, names, emails or contact information of any kind about anyone other than yourself.
At this point, NO type of pornography what so ever based on the ages of users.
Insulting somebody for any reason is against the rules, we do not encourage this and suggest to just report something that bothers you instead of flaming!
Low Quality
Non constructive posts such as "lol" or "thanks" are against the rules, these add nothing to the topic and are also considered post boosting.
Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, off-topic posts, or one word posts (this includes advertising).
Posting in Infraction section
There is no need to post in it if you were not involved.
Reputation Abuse
Asking for rep, or offering it is against the rules and may have you infracted. (Making multiple accounts to rep yourself or to neg rep another member may have you permanently BANNED.) Asking another member to neg rep somebody else (or rep+ them) is against the rules as well!
Scamming another user off the marketplace, or any other section will have you temporarily banned for a long time or permanently banned, so DON'T do it.
Double Posting
Double posting is when a member posts a message twice without having somebody else reply to them, this is against the rules and will have you infracted.
Leeched Post
When you use a thread or post from another website please specify the website you got the content from, and it would also be appreciated if you do not copy the thread WORD-FOR-WORD
Signature Violation
Making your signature picture obnoxiously huge or oversized may have you infracted, however, a staff member may warn you first.
Posting the link to other websites is not allowed anywhere other than your signature! If a site has been censored, this means we do not want to hear from it, so please do not advertise it or the punishments may differ.
Personal Data
No phone numbers, addresses, names, emails or contact information of any kind about anyone other than yourself.
At this point, NO type of pornography what so ever based on the ages of users.
Last edited by MergoOSX on Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:51 am; edited 2 times in total